How to Identify Perfect SEO Pricing Packages for Business?
Selecting the right SEO pricing packages are always a tedious activity. Probably because everyone wants Top Page results & no one wants to understand the logic behind it.
It’s no hidden fact that selecting the right SEO package (be it development, SEO, SMO, PPC or any other service) is directly proportionate to how quickly you should expect results & to what extent you should expect results.
So, without wasting time, let’s quickly run through the elements that help you identify the perfect SEO pricing packages for your business:
1. Industry:
There are some industries that are very niche (Local / region-specific) which have only a handful of competition while there are others that are highly competitive. Higher Competitive Industries surely need more work because they have more & active competitors who are constantly working towards getting better results. So, opting for a basic plan will not really make any difference. I will personally suggest you pause, save & possibly invest in a better plan that promises you positive movements & exposure.
2. Time:
Don’t we all want the BEST results in the minimum time frame? Without a doubt, the answer is YES but do you know only a few are successful in achieving their dream results within the defined time frame & that’s because although we all want the best result in the minimum time frame, not all want to opt for the suitable plan. Most of us want to opt for the basic plan & dream of Top Page results by the end of Month 1. Honestly speaking, you are simply wasting your money. My advice will be to give it time. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
3. Business Goals:
How many of you think getting a good website is enough? How many of you think just doing PPC is enough? How many of you think SEO is all your business needs? Well, if one service was good enough, trust me others would have never gained any popularity over all these years. Let’s accept that times have changed, the audience has changed & so is their approach to make a decision. Anyone looking at buying a refrigerator doesn’t just stop at finding the right website to buy one. In fact, the audience these days, do their due diligence to find the right refrigerator to meet their needs, how prompt that specific platform is to ensure smooth delivery & installation. So, back to the point…Please invest a good amount of time to identify your business goals & what all platforms can help you achieve them. For example, The success of any e-commerce platform is dependent on how well the SEO, PPC (Paid Advertising) & SMO campaigns are executed.
Also, Read:
Video SEO – How to Optimize Video for Better Ranking on Google Search
Top 10 SEO Tools that Every Webmaster Must Use
4. Quality:
Do you like running? What shoes do you use? I am sure no less than a branded one. Now, if you are so quality conscious about the products that impact your lifestyle, why do we end up making careless decisions when it comes to our business? The business that helps us achieve our personal, economic & professional goals. I have seen businesses that hire any company just because they are CHEAP. I mean if our personal consumption items are not based on the cheapest ones then why our business strategies are based on the cheapest option available? Its quite common to find businesses that have opted for the cheapest vendor, the website goes for a penalty & then they spend double the money to make the domain spam free & reactivate the quality efforts. Not to forget, the kind of time waste & stress this activity brings.

Source – Wells Concrete
5. Cost:
I have seen so many people who would spend thousands of dollars on getting their website designed & developed but when it comes to marketing, they have a budget of $500 per month. I mean how are we expecting the business to turn into a Brand with just $500 a month? This is one of the most common mistakes that businesses make. My suggestion will be to invest 1/3 of your budget in design & development while 2/3 of your budget on marketing because creating a beautiful product doesn’t bring traffic. In fact, creating a successful marketing plan promises traffic & even an average website can deliver astonishing results.
Watch Video – Different Kinds of SEO Packages & which one is for You?
So, these are a few points that I recommend to ALL the businesses to refer to & possibly then take a decision to Why they want to achieve? What they want to achieve? How will they achieve it?
If you got more questions pertaining to Digital Marketing, please feel free to ask me at